Pimples On Tip: Causes, Treatments, And Connections With Hidradenitis Suppurativa

You’re about to step out for an important event when, BAM! There it is, that red, inflamed pimple had to pop up right on the tip of your nose or chin. Frustrating as it may be, understanding why these ‘pimples on tip‘ appear can help you to tackle them more effectively.

Why Do Pimples Occur at the Tip?

Pimples form when oil, dead skin cells, and bacteria block the pores in your skin. The tips of the facial features such as the nose, chin, or even your ears are more prone to pimple development. This is due to the density of oil-producing glands being higher in these areas, making them more vulnerable to blockages and inflammation.

Treatment of Pimples on Tip

Common over-the-counter treatments for pimples include products containing ingredients like salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, or sulfur. Topical creams, lotions and cleansers can effectively break down excess oils, kill bacteria and shed dead skin cells. Additionally, prescription medicines like oral antibiotics, retinoid creams, or hormonal therapy can be prescribed by a dermatologist for more severe cases.

Always remember to keep your skin clean, avoid oil-based makeup and skincare products, and resist the urge to pop your pimples. By doing this, you will significantly reduce the chance of developing pimples on the tip.

When Pimples Could Indicate a More Serious Condition

Sometimes, pimple-like bumps might be a symptom of a more severe condition called hidradenitis suppurativa (HS). This chronic skin condition features small, painful lumps under the skin that can erupt like pimples and can be found in areas where skin rubs together. If you’re experiencing continued breakouts, beyond typical random pimples, it may be wise to consult a dermatologist to discuss the possibility of HS.

For severe HS cases, treatments range from antibiotics to biologics, but sometimes, hidradenitis suppurativa surgery may be required. This surgical procedure can provide significant help by removing the affected area of the skin and reducing the occurrence of lesions in the future.

Preventing Pimples on Tip

Prevention is always better than cure. To avoid pimples on the tip, stick to a robust skincare routine that incorporates gentle cleansing, a good diet and adequate sleep. Incorporating light exercise into your lifestyle can also aid in keeping your skin healthy, as sweating helps to clear out the grime in your pores. Drink plenty of water to maintain hydrated skin and a well-balanced diet low in sugary, oily, and processed foods can also boost your skin’s overall health.


While pimples on the tip can be irksome, knowing why they appear and how to treat them can help you manage these little inconveniences. For persisting skin problems, always consult a healthcare professional, as it could be a symptom of a more severe health condition like hidradenitis suppurativa. With the right effort and medical guidance, you can work towards clearer, healthier skin.

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